
Innovation for an Equitable Future

Mr. Dieter Brockmeyer guides the listeners bringing forth the concept of ‘Wholistic Innovation’ designed to bring out holistic change to solve key issues of nations, global communities, cultures and economies, through innovation and design thinking for a brighter equitable future.

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5 Episodes

Mr. Dieter explains how innovation and design thinking can be adopted in bringing a positive change in design thinking, Policy making, health, economy, culture, and sustainability.
In this episode, Mr. Dieter talks about the key insights on innovative solutions in technology and beyond to help the global communities and economies.
Learn about the concept of “Pandemia’s box”, an approach towards a sustainable future using wholistic innovation, while he describes the concept of Wholistic Innovation.
This episode focuses on redistribution of resources, due to the growing global population, climatic challenges.
Mr. Dieter Concludes on how the ‘Wholistic Innovation’ is the need of the hour to deal with the planet’s burning problems and to come up with holistic solutions towards sustainable

About Dieter Brockmeyer

Dieter Brockmeyer is a senior media industry and innovation expert, author, international speaker and host. He is co-founder of the streaming platform Diplomatic World Media and the Diplomatic World Institute (DWI) both in Brussels and the “Two the power of MORE” audio podcast series on innovation thinking. He curates international industry events and global awards like the Wholistic World Innovation Trophy (WWIT) that DWI announced in 2021 for the very first time. The award is based on the concept of “Wholistic Innovation” Dieter developed for the Institute and that is explained in his recent book “Pandemia’s Box”.


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