Royal Air Force of Oman

The Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO) is the air arm of the Sultan of Oman’s Armed Forces The Sultan of Oman’s Air Force (SOAF) was formed in March 1959. The first aircraft were two Scottish Aviation Pioneers transferred from the Royal Air Force. The first armed aircraft was the Percival Provost T52. In 1990 the SOAF was renamed the Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO). The Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO) is today fully capable of protecting the Sultanate’s skies and keeping pace with the latest developments. Its integrated air defence system is strengthened by modern fighter, transport and pilot training aircraft, helicopters, anti-aircraft missile batteries and advanced radar systems, as well as air bases equipped with warning and communications systems, able to function in a wide range of conditions. An agreement was signed in January 2003 for the construction of Phase One of the Al Musana’ah Air Base on the Batinah coast. This new base is destined to play a vital role in view of its strategic location. recently RAFO supplied with a number of Super Lynx helicopters and F16 fighters, which will be deployed alongside its advanced Jaguar and Hawk fighters. The Royal Air Force of Oman is continuing to upgrade its aircraft and equipment and operates a series of training programmes to qualify its personnel in the latest methods.